







Shangs54139699 發表於 2020-10-30 19:09 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
【臺北訊,2020年10月29日】恩智浦半導體(NXP Semiconductors N.V.; NASDAQ:NXPI)宣佈正在強化機器學習開發環境與產品組合。透過投資,恩智浦與總部位於加拿大的Au-Zone Technologies建立獨家策略合作關係,旨在運用易於使用(easy-to-use)的機器學習工具來擴展恩智浦的eIQ™機器學習(Machine Learning;ML)軟體開發環境,並且擴展適用於邊緣機器學習的晶片最佳化(silicon-optimized)推論引擎(inference engine)產品。
此外,恩智浦亦宣佈持續與Arm合作,作為領先技術合作夥伴,對Arm® Ethos-U™ microNPU(神經處理引擎,Neural Processing Unit;NPU)架構進行升級改善,以支援應用處理器。恩智浦將整合Ethos-U65 microNPU至下一代i.MX應用處理器,以提供節能且符合經濟效益的機器學習解決方案,進而滿足快速成長的工業和物聯網邊緣應用需求。
恩智浦半導體資深副總裁暨邊緣處理事業部總經理Ron Martino表示:「恩智浦的可擴展應用處理器為客戶提供高效產品平台和廣泛生態系統,幫助他們快速交付創新的系統。透過與Arm和Au-Zone展開這些合作,並於恩智浦內部進行技術開發,我們的目標是持續提升處理器效率,同時提高客戶生產率,縮短產品上市時間。恩智浦致力幫助客戶降低持有成本,維持重要資料的高安全性,運用增強的人機互動(human-machine-interaction)來保障安全。」
Au-Zone的DeepView™機器學習工具套件(ML Tool Suite)提供直觀的圖形化使用者介面(Graphical UserInterface;GUI)和工作流程,可以進一步強化eIQ的功能,讓擁有不同經驗程度的開發人員皆能在恩智浦邊緣處理產品組合上,導入資料集(dataset)和模型,進行快速訓練,並部署神經網路模型和機器學習工作量。為滿足當前工業和物聯網應用的嚴格要求,恩智浦eIQ-DeepViewML工具套件將為開發人員提供先進功能,以在恩智浦裝置上修剪、量化、驗證和部署公共與專有神經網路模型。其具有針對特定目標(on-target)的圖形等級分析功能,讓開發人員能夠在運行時深入瞭解獨特的運行洞察,以便最佳化神經網路模型架構、系統參數和運行效能。透過增加Au-Zone的DeepView運行時推論引擎,作為恩智浦eIQ中開源推論技術的補充,用戶將能夠非常輕易地在恩智浦裝置上快速部署和評估機器學習工作量和效能。這類運行時推論引擎的關鍵特性是為每種系統單晶片(System on a Chip;SoC)架構最佳化系統記憶體使用與資料轉移。
Au-Zone執行長Brad Scott表示:「Au-Zone非常榮幸參與這項計畫,與恩智浦結為策略合作夥伴,尤其是恩智浦為更多機器學習加速裝置制定的藍圖,令人感到興奮。我們開發DeepView™的目的是為開發人員提供直觀的工具和推論技術,本次合作代表先進晶片運行時推論引擎技術與開發環境的強大聯合,必將進一步加速嵌入式機器學習功能部署。此合作關係建立在我們與恩智浦十多年工程協作的基礎上,隨著OEM持續將推論功能遷移至網路邊緣,將促使我們提供更先進的機器學習技術和統包式(turnkey)解決方案。
為在更廣泛的邊緣應用中加速機器學習,恩智浦將擴展適用於工業和物聯網邊緣的常用i.MX應用處理器,將Arm Ethos-U65microNPU整合至處理器中,運用此整合的NPU,為先前發表的i.MX 8M Plus應用處理器提供補充。恩智浦和Arm技術合作的重點是定義microNPU的系統等級(system-level),其能夠支援高達1 TOPS的運算能力(在1GHz頻率下處理512個並行乘加運算)。Ethos-U65維持了Ethos-U55的MCU等級功效,同時還將其適用範圍擴展至更高效能、奠基於Cortex-A的系統單晶片(System-On-Chip;SoC)。Ethos-U65 microNPU與恩智浦i.MX系列異質(heterogeneous)系統單晶片現有的Cortex-M核心配合使用,進而提高效率。
Arm機器學習部門行銷副總裁Dennis Laudick表示:「人工智慧和機器學習在工業和物聯網應用領域掀起一波浪潮。Ethos-U65將推動新一波邊緣人工智慧浪潮,為恩智浦客戶提供安全、可靠、聰慧的終端裝置(on-device)智慧。」
Arm Ethos-U65將整合至恩智浦未來的i.MX應用處理器。eIQ- DeepViewML工具套件以及整合至eIQ中的DeepView運行時推論引擎將於2021年第一季推出。端對端的軟體支援,包含為i.MX 8M Plus、其他恩智浦SoC以及整合Ethos-U55和U65的未來裝置訓練、驗證和部署現有或新的神經網路模型,將透過恩智浦的eIQ機器學習軟體開發環境提供。瞭解更多資訊,請註冊參與恩智浦和Arm於11月10日聯合舉辦的線上研討會,並參閱我們的部落格
恩智浦、恩智浦標誌和EdgeVerse是恩智浦公司的商標。所有其他產品或服務名稱均為其各自所有者的財產。Amazon Web Services及所有相關標誌和動態標誌是Amazon.com, Inc.或其附屬公司的商標。Bluetooth®文字標記和標誌是由Bluetooth SIG, Inc.擁有的註冊商標,恩智浦對此類標記的任何使用都獲得授權。保留所有權利。© 2020 NXP B.V.
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khadamat22 發表於 2020-11-19 13:11 | 顯示全部樓層
A tank insulation company in Riyadh provides a number of services that help in the insulation work. Random methods are among the most things that trace a number of other problems behind them. The most important thing that the company does: -

Our company searches for cracks and if some type of insulation has occurred before for this tank, a meeting is made between the old insulation and the new insulation and the place where the wall meets the bottom of the tank in the insulation.
If the tank is of a good type, we immediately clean it from the sawdust and clean it from the residues, sand and dirt, and check whether it has holes or not, and whether it needs welding work or we start the internal and external insulation of the tank.
شركة عزل خزانات بجازان

The roads are one of the most important things that you do through the roads. We get to know the place of nesting, easily recognize the place of drumming, and we clean immediately if any.
Cica is one of the most important materials used in treating nesting, so we make a cement layer with the addition of a little aggregate that helps eliminate nesting very easily.
Work on painting walls and floors with a thick layer of very dense insulation material that protects against exposure from insects; Because it relies on distinctive imported materials that help in preserving the tanks against any kind of changes over time.
Adding materials to seal One of the best materials that are used is cica, which is added to the rendering methods for walls and floors.
Interest in tiling work for floors, walls and walls, and attention to providing tiling with a cement layer or black cement, or using the layer through glue to ensure the durability of the concrete layer in which we performed the insulation works.
The roof is one of the places that many of our customers neglect while doing insulation work.
A tank insulation company in Riyadh provides internal insulation works that work to prevent water leakage and leakage, which you can rely on through our company, which helps in achieving the best results.
The issue of isolation and getting rid of traditional materials that cause many problems is through dealing with insulation in a successive manner, so each step after the other step will achieve the best results for you, a clean tank free of the changes that you are exposed to over time, so we are waiting for you to do this service.

Water tanks insulation company in Riyadh
The best advice that assures you that the insulation works were in the best possible way
If there is a cleaning cast on the floor that ranges between 7 to 15 cm, make sure that you have performed the insulation as well.
Make sure that there are ground plaster and plaster works that took place on the walls of the tank and the presence of the pallets, and make sure that one of the most important things that you are exposed to is to know that the materials are imported.
That the insulation layer is composed of two sides and of the distinctive type that bears water and protects from cracks and attention to the outer layer that completely protects from the insulation.
The floor insulation layer must be between 8 to 10 cm thick to protect the water and make sure of the iron that was used for reinforcing the floor, and make sure that the concrete of the walls is completely durable.
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