- 總收入1,401.8百萬美元
- 公認會計原則 (GAAP)和非公認會計原則(non-GAAP)毛利率為34.6%
- GAAP營運毛利率為9.9%,non-GAAP營運毛利率為12.3%
- 營運現金流為91.7百萬美元及可用的流動現金為 -20.7百萬美元
- GAAP每股攤薄盈利為$0.14美元,non-GAAP每股攤薄盈利為$0.30美元
- 總收入5,517.9百萬美元
- 毛利率為35.8%,non-GAAP毛利率為36.1%
- GAAP營運毛利率為7.8%,non-GAAP營運毛利率為14.1%
- 營運現金流為694.7百萬美元及可用的流動現金為 160.1百萬美元
- GAAP每股攤薄盈利為$0.51美元,non-GAAP每股攤薄盈利為$1.49美元
【2020年2月4日】安森美半導體公司 (ON Semiconductor Corporation,美國納斯達克上市代號: ON) 於美國時間2月3日公佈,2019年第4季度總收入為1,401.8百萬美元,較去年同一季度下跌約7%。2019年第4季度的收入較2019年第3季度上升約1%。 安森美半導體總裁暨首席執行官Keith Jackson表示:「我們2019年的業績驗證公司業務的轉型性質,在充滿挑戰的宏觀經濟和地緣政治環境下,我們預期將超越大多數同儕。相信我們在汽車、工業和雲端電源半導體終端市場的強大競爭地位以及投入配合這些市場的長期趨勢仍是我們卓越業績的關鍵驅動力。除了強勁的營收表現,我們正在採取實質性措施,對製造業務進行結構性改變,並加快300mm晶圓廠的投入生產進度表,來擴大利潤。」 「第4季度,我們看到業務趨勢略有改善,且這改善持續到了2020年第1季度。隨著宏觀經濟和地緣政治條件的改善,安森美半導體憑藉強固的產品陣容及投入最具吸引力的半導體終端市場,並持續改進成本結構,處於有利地位將可獲取強勁的中短期業績。」 第4季度業績(GAAP) | (百萬美元,
每股數據除外) | 2019年第4季度 | 2018年第4季度* | 同比變動 | 2019年第3季度 | 環比變動 | 收入 | $1,401.8 | $1,503.1 | -7% | $1,381.8 | 1% | 毛利 | $485.7 | $569.7 | -15% | $475.2 | 2% | 營運收入 | $138.9 | $222.7 | -38% | $-43.9 | -416% | 安森美半導體公司應占收入淨額 | $56.5 | $165.6 | -66% | $-60.7 | -193% | 每股攤薄盈利 | $0.14 | $0.39 | -64% | $-0.15 | -193% | 攤薄股數 | 418.2 | 420.0 | -% | 410.4 | 2% |
第4季度業績(non-GAAP) | (百萬美元) | 2019年第4季度 | 2018年第4季度* | 同比變動 | 2019年第3季度 | 環比變動 | 收入 | $1,401.8 | $1,503.1 | -7% | $1,381.8 | 1% | 毛利 | $485.7 | $570.3 | -15% | $494.2 | -2% | 營運收入 | $172.1 | $253.0 | -32% | $179.9 | -4% | 安森美半導體公司
應占收入淨額 | $124.3 | $222.0 | -44% | $136.8 | -9% | 每股攤薄盈利 | $0.30 | $0.53 | -43% | $0.33 | -9% | 攤薄股數 | 413.1 | 420.0 | -2% | 412.3 | -% |
第4季度主要流動現金項目 | (百萬美元) | 2019年第4季度 | 2018年第4季度* | 同比變動 | 2018年第3季度 | 環比變動 | 現金稅(扣除賠償) | $16.7 | $8.2 | 104% | $14.1 | 18% | 營運現金流 | $91.7 | $421.0 | -78% | $242.2 | -62% | 可用的流動現金 | $-20.7 | $289.0 | -107% | $130.5 | -116% |
2020年第1季度展望 按現時產品訂單趨勢、未完成訂單水準和估計周轉水準,本公司預計2020年第1季度的收入總額將約為1,355百萬美元至1,405百萬美元。 預計2020年第1季度的GAAP和non-GAAP毛利率將在33.7%至34.7%之間。 2020年第1季度的展望包括以股票支付報酬的預期支出約19百萬美元至21百萬美元。預期繳付所得稅的淨現金為14百萬美元至18百萬美元。 下表概列安森美半導體2020年第1季度的GAAP及non-GAAP展望。 | 安森美半導體GAAP 總額 | 特別專案*** | 安森美半導體non-GAAP總額**** | 收入 | $1,355百萬美元至
$1,405 百萬美元 | - | $1,355百萬美元至
$1,405百萬美元 | 毛利率 | 33.7%至34.7% | - | 33.7%至34.7% | 營運支出 | $357百萬美元至
$377百萬美元 | $30百萬美元至
$34百萬美元* | $327百萬美元至
$343百萬美元 | 其他收入及支出淨額(包括利息支出) | $38百萬美元至
$41百萬美元 | $9百萬美元至
$10百萬美元* | $29百萬美元至
$31百萬美元 | 攤薄股數* | 418百萬 | 5百萬** | 413百萬 |
*Convertible Notes, Non-cash Interest Expense is calculated pursuant to FASB’sAccounting Standards Codification Topic 470: Debt. ** Diluted share count can vary as a resultof, among other things, the actual exercise of options or vesting of restrictedstock units, the incremental dilutive shares from the Company's convertiblesenior subordinated notes, and the repurchase or the issuance of stock orconvertible notes or the sale of treasury shares. In periods in which thequarterly average stock price per share exceeds $18.50, the non-GAAP dilutedshare count and non-GAAP net income per share includes the impact of theCompany’s hedge transactions issued concurrently with our 1.00% convertiblenotes. As such, at an average stock price per share between $18.50 and $25.96,the hedging activity offsets the potentially dilutive effect of the 1.00%convertible notes. In periods when the quarterly average stock price per shareexceeds $20.72, the non-GAAP diluted share count and non-GAAP net income pershare includes the anti-dilutive impact of the Company’s hedge transactionsissued concurrently with the 1.625% convertible notes. As such, at an averagestock price per share between $20.72 and $30.70, the hedging activity offsetsthe potentially dilutive effect of the 1.625% convertible notes. Both GAAP andnon-GAAP diluted share counts are based on the Company’s stock price as ofDecember 31, 2019. *** Special items may include: amortization ofacquisition-related intangibles; expensing of appraised inventory fair marketvalue step-up; purchased in-process research and development expenses;restructuring, asset impairments and other, net; goodwill impairment charges;gains and losses on debt prepayment; non-cash interest expense; actuarial(gains) losses on pension plans and other pension benefits; and certain otherspecial items, as necessary. These special items are out of our control andcould change significantly from period to period. As a result, we are not ableto reasonably estimate and separately present the individual impact of thesespecial items, and we are similarly unable to provide a reconciliation of thenon-GAAP measures. The reconciliation that is unavailable would include aforward looking income statement, balance sheet and statement of cash flows inaccordance with GAAP. For this reason, we use a projected range of theaggregate amount of special items in order to calculate our projected non-GAAPoperating expense outlook. **** We believe these non-GAAP measuresprovide important supplemental information to investors. We use these measures,together with GAAP measures, for internal managerial purposes and as a means toevaluate period-to-period comparisons. However, we do not, and you should not,rely on non-GAAP financial measures alone as measures of our performance. Webelieve that non-GAAP financial measures reflect an additional way of viewingaspects of our operations that, when taken together with GAAP results and thereconciliations to corresponding GAAP financial measures that we also providein our releases, provide a more complete understanding of factors and trendsaffecting our business. Because non-GAAP financial measures are notstandardized, it may not be possible to compare these financial measures withother companies' non-GAAP financial measures, even if they have similar names. 電話會議 安森美半導體已於美國時間2020年2月3日美國東部時間 (EST)上午9時為金融界舉行電話會議,討論安森美半導體2019年第4季度及全年的業績。英語電話會議將在公司網站 http://www.onsemi.com的「投資者關係」網頁作即時廣播。即時網上廣播大約1小時後在該網站重播,為時30天。投資者及有興趣者如想參加業績報告英語電話會議,請撥877-356-3762 (美國/加拿大),或1-262-558-6155(國際),並提供該會議的ID號碼 —9592878。 關於安森美半導體
安森美半導體(ONSemiconductor,美國納斯達克上市代號: ON)致力於推動高效能電子的創新,使客戶能夠減少全球的能源使用。安森美半導體是基於半導體的解決方案之領導供應商,提供全面性的高效能電源管理、類比、感測器、邏輯、時序、連線、離散元件、系統單晶片(SoC)及客製化元件。安森美半導體的產品幫助工程師解決在 汽車、通訊、運算、消費性電子、工業、醫療、航空及國防應用的獨特設計挑戰。安森美半導體擁有敏銳、可靠、世界一流的供應鏈及品質專案,及一套嚴謹的審查標準和道德規範計畫,在北美、歐洲和亞太地區的關鍵市場的營運網路更包括製造廠、銷售辦公室和設計中心。欲瞭解更多資訊請參閱: http://www.onsemi.com。 # # # 安森美半導體和安森美半導體圖標是 Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC 的註冊商標。所有本文中出現的其他品牌和產品名稱分別為其相應持有人的註冊商標或商標。雖然公司在本新聞稿提及其網站,但此稿並不包含其網站中有關的資訊。 # # # This document contains “forward-lookingstatements,” as that term is defined in Section 27A of the Securities Act of1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, asamended. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, included orincorporated in this document could be deemed forward-looking statements,particularly statements about the future financial performance of ONSemiconductor, including financial guidance for the year ending December 31,2020. Forward-looking statements are often characterized by the use of wordssuch as “believes,” “estimates,” “expects,” “projects,” “may,” “will,”“intends,” “plans,” or “anticipates,” or by discussions of strategy, plans, orintentions. All forward-looking statements in this document are made based onour current expectations, forecasts, estimates, and assumptions and involverisks, uncertainties, and other factors that could cause results or events todiffer materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. Amongthese factors are our revenue and operating performance; economic conditionsand markets (including current financial conditions); risk related to changesin tariffs or other government trade policies, including between the U.S. andChina; risks related to our ability to meet our assumptions regarding outlookfor revenue and gross margin as a percentage of revenue; effects of exchangerate fluctuations; the cyclical nature of the semiconductor industry; changesin demand for our products; changes in inventories at our customers anddistributors; risks associated with restructuring actions and workforcereductions; technological and product development risks; risks that ourproducts may be accused of infringing the IP rights of others; enforcement andprotection of our intellectual property rights and related risks; risks relatedto the security of our information systems and secured network; availability ofraw materials, electricity, gas, water, and other supply chain uncertainties;our ability to effectively shift production to other facilities when requiredin order to maintain supply continuity for our customers; variable demand andthe aggressive pricing environment for semiconductor products; our ability tosuccessfully manufacture in increasing volumes on a cost-effective basis andwith acceptable quality for our current products; risks associated with ouracquisitions and dispositions generally, including our ability to realize theanticipated benefits of our acquisitions and dispositions; including ouracquisition of Quantenna Communications, Inc.; risks that acquisitions ordispositions may disrupt our current plans and operations, the risk ofunexpected costs, charges, or expenses resulting from acquisitions ordispositions and difficulties arising from integrating and consolidating acquiredbusinesses, our timely filing of financial information with the Securities andExchange Commission (“SEC”) for acquired businesses, and our ability toaccurately predict the future financial performance of acquired businesses);competitor actions, including the adverse impact of competitor productannouncements; pricing and gross profit pressures; risks associated with theaddition of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. and its non-U.S. affiliates andsubsidiaries, and other customers, to the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureauof Industry Security Entity List; loss of key customers; order cancellations orreduced bookings; changes in manufacturing yields; control of costs andexpenses and realization of cost savings and synergies from restructurings; thecosts to defend against or pursue litigation and the potential significantcosts associated with adverse litigation outcomes; risks associated withdecisions to expend cash reserves for various uses in accordance with ourcapital allocation policy such as debt prepayment, stock repurchases, oracquisitions rather than to retain such cash for future needs; risks associatedwith our substantial leverage and restrictive covenants in our debt agreementsthat may be in place from time to time; risks associated with our worldwideoperations, including changes in trade policies, foreign employment and labormatters associated with unions and collective bargaining arrangements,continuing political unrest in markets in which we do significant business,including Hong Kong, as well as man-made and/or natural disasters affecting ouroperations or financial results; the threat or occurrence of internationalarmed conflict and terrorist activities both in the United States andinternationally; risks of changes in U.S. or international tax rates orlegislation; risks related to the potential impact of climate change andregulations related thereto on our operations; risks and costs associated withincreased and new regulation of corporate governance and disclosure standards;risks related to new legal requirements; and risks and expenses involvingenvironmental or other governmental regulation. Additional factors that couldaffect our future results or events are described under Part I, Item 1A “RiskFactors” in our 2018 Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on February20, 2019 (our "2018 Form 10-K"), Part II, Item IA "RiskFactors" in our Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 29, 2019 (our"First Quarter 10-Q"), our Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 28,2019 (our "Second Quarter 10-Q"), and our Form 10-Q for the quarterended September 27, 2019 (our "Third Quarter 10-Q"), and fromtime-to-time in our other SEC reports. Readers are cautioned not to place unduereliance on forward-looking statements. We assume no obligation to update suchinformation, except as may be required by law. You should carefully consider the trends,risks, and uncertainties described in this document, our 2018 Form 10-K, ourFirst Quarter 10-Q, our Second Quarter 10-Q, our Third Quarter 10-Q, and otherreports filed with or furnished to the SEC before making any investmentdecision with respect to our securities. If any of these trends, risks, oruncertainties actually occurs or continues, our business, financial condition,or operating results could be materially adversely affected, the trading pricesof our securities could decline, and you could lose all or part of yourinvestment. All forward-looking statements attributable to us or persons actingon our behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionarystatement.