







g5023 發表於 2018-6-5 13:25 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
原文來源:Visual Components

There’s no question the manufacturing industry is in the midstof a renaissance. Complete with leaps and bounds of enabling technologiesfundamentally disrupting the status quo, the new renaissance is forging seismicand dynamic shifts in the space. But there is another, concurrent revolutionhappening within manufacturing beyond technology, and that is of themanufacturer mindset and, more specifically, the factory paradigm itself; thelens through which manufacturers plan, design and operate the shop floor. This revolutionis profound in its simplicity and can be summed up in one word: cohesion.

根據LNS Research最近進行的一項調查,製造業運營管理調查受訪者面臨的前兩大運營挑戰,分別是缺乏跨不同部門和不同系統和數據庫的協同作業.這對於現代工廠來說尤其困難,而在21世紀取得成功要取得成功,需要對市場需求要如何做出快速響應和靈活應對,並且最大化的提高生產力和利潤。製造業的規劃者需要工廠與供應鏈的協同作業,藉此在產品開發和其他組織資產進行整合和凝聚。此時系統整合商的解決方案看要如何產生專注力的議題,將會變得更加重要,當然製造計劃者則需要改進與利害關係人的溝通與協作方式。
According to a recent survey conducted by LNS Research, the toptwo operational challenges facing its Manufacturing Operations Managementsurvey respondents were a lack of collaboration across different departmentsand disparate systems and data sources, respectively.1 This is especiallyproblematic for modern factories, which strive to be responsive and flexible tomarket needs, while maximizing productivity and profit. In order to succeed inthe 21st century, manufacturing planners need their factories to be integratedand cohesive with their supply chain, product development and otherorganizational assets. This requires system integrators to become moresensitive to how their solutions impact this cohesion, and manufacturingplanners to improve the way in which they communicate and collaborate with allstakeholders involved in the planning process.

Fortunately, there are tools to get “everyone on the same page”,creating a catalytic effect on team communication and shortening implementationcycles. One of the most effective of these tools is visualization.

視覺化的技術通常被定義為“研究抽象數據的視覺表示以加強人類認知”,自上一次工業革命以來,它一直是製造計劃的一部分。視覺輔助工具,如繪圖、藍圖和照片,以及後來的CAD繪圖和3D渲染; 是幾十年來製造規劃師和系統整合商用來交流製造設計概念的視覺化形式。在過去的幾年中,視覺化技術已經與模擬技術和互聯網相結合,逐漸發展成為3D製造模擬技術。該技術整合了不同來源的輸入數據,如CAD幾何圖形和編程邏輯; 並使用特定製造模擬行為,這些輸入的資料都是為了創造精確的模擬視覺化與可呈現的簡報。簡而言之,模擬可以幫助規劃團隊以工程級的準確性視覺化工廠的環境,藉此降低決策錯誤對製造設計和性能的影響。這很重要,有兩個原因,因為模擬降低了設計錯誤和疏忽的風險,並且帶來更多效益。
Visualization, commonly defined as “the study of visualrepresentations of abstract data to reinforce human cognition”, has been a partof manufacturing planning since the dawn of the last industrial revolution.Visual aids such as drawings, blueprints and photographs and, later, CADdrawings and 3D renderings; are forms of visualization that manufacturingplanners and system integrators have used for decades to communicatemanufacturing design concepts. Over the last several years, visualizationtechnology has coalesced with simulation technology and the Internet, evolvinginto 3D manufacturing simulation technology. This technology integratesdisparate sources of input data, such as CAD geometries and programming logic;and, using manufacturing specific simulation behaviors, creates accuratesimulations and visual representations of those inputs. In a nutshell, it helpsplanning teams to visualize their factory environment and the impact of theirdecisions on manufacturing design and performance, with engineering-gradeaccuracy. This is big for two reasons – it reduces the risk of design errorsand oversights, and empowers more stakeholders to participate in the planningprocess.

Consider the following scenario (taken from a real-worldexperience) in which an integrator’s client factory missed delivery of goodsand lost more than $1M on a project due to a slight miscalculation (omission,actually) in an Excel planning file. This miscalculation, when accounted for properlyand scaled across the entire production, implied a significant reduction inthroughput. So, one piece of the planning toolkit (in this case, an ordinaryspreadsheet) threw everything off in its inability to accurately account for aspatial nuance that, while nearly impossible to capture in Excel, would havebeen obvious to the planners had they been using a 3D manufacturing simulationtool.

What does that mean? In short, it means that system integratorsand manufacturing planners who employ comprehensive visualization in theirplanning process reduce the risk of making mistakes and oversights that canhave significant downstream effects. When system integrators and planners relyon a combination of disjointed tools in only certain steps of the process,important information and key details can be easily missed or left out, such asspatial irregularities across different robots and stations, or caveats andnuances in processes. 3D manufacturing simulation technology integratesdisparate data sources and helps planning teams to visualize the impacts oftheir design decisions, so they catch mistakes and oversights before theybecome operational hazards.

Perhaps the greatest benefit of visualization is how it improvescollaboration and communication throughout the planning process.

The manufacturing planning process for 21st centurymanufacturers has grown much more complex. It involves a breadth ofstakeholders, from the sales team and layout planners on the integrator side tocontrols engineers and financial analysts on the manufacturer’s side – all withdiffering degrees of knowledge and input in the process. Modern visualizationtechnology is an invaluable tool for these stakeholder groups to quicklyunderstand all the moving parts and visualize the impact of their decisions onthe manufacturing design and performance. This insight improves collaborationand allows everyone – from the finance team to the manufacturing engineers – tomore effectively participate in the process.

In the race toward cohesion as an integral theme of Industry 4.0and the so-called Digital Thread – technologies that enable a single,bi-directional flow of digitized information across the value chain –comprehensive visualization is essential for system integrators andmanufacturing planners to get ahead.

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